Yesterday, I had a wonderful Bible Study time with over a dozen ladies at Midland Baptist Church. The interaction was engaging. The laughter was energizing. The insights shared were eye-opening. This is what happens when you put virtuous and open-minded ladies together. It is positively explosive!
We had 6 thought-provoking questions discussed. The session was about “No Other God Can Do This”. He satisfies your longings. He rescues you. He takes away your sin and shame, He’s the One you can trust. He promises blessings.
What resonated with me was the question: When have you missed God’s physical, emotional, or spiritual healing? Was it because you didn’t recognize it or did you reject it because it wasn’t what you wanted?
And I segue to the title of this post: Is cancer a punishment or a chastisement?
I’ve been unknowingly and knowingly dealing with cancer for around 5 years now. Did I get it because I was being punished by God? Did I get it because I was being chastised?
Rightly dividing the Bible has taught me that:
1. Healing can only come from God.
It’s not a voodoo woodoo experience.
2. God heals in His own inscrutable ways.
It’s not our purview to doubt nor question the intentions of God.
3. “But if not” (Dan. 3:18) is one of the best attitudes to adopt when you’re perplexed by the complexity of cancer.
After that Bible Study, I took home some inspiring insights and more life-changing attitudes. They will keep me ever amazed at the wondrous ways of God. He is infinitely amazing. His plans and purposes in the lives of His children will always be mind-boggling but it will be forever interesting and enthralling.
So…am I being punished or being chastised?
No and Yes.
He is DEFINITELY not punishing me. Maybe I will talk about the chastisement part in my next post. Maybe not? Meantime, this is what I know….
“Nor height,
nor depth,
nor any other creature
shall be able
to separate us
from the
LOVE OF GOD, (my caps)
which is Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Rom. 8:35 KJB