Nothing in this world beats the wonderful grace of God.
How often does a “senior moment” turn out to be a blessing in disguise? I walked into my MRI appointment almost 5 hours early. They took me in nonetheless, for two reasons:
- The MRI facility is available anyway, and
- Freeing my slot will enable them to take in an emergency case, which is always a possibility in hospitals.
So I had four major tests done in 2 weeks. These are the results:
- 2D Echo = All normal.
- CT Scan = All vital organs normal except for an existing nodule in the Lung which increased from 5mm to 1.2 cm. and some new cysts in the liver, most likely from the chemo. Dr. Sahay is also modifying my treatment for better results.
- Bone Scan = All normal.
- MRI (Brain Scan) = All normal except for a new lesion too tiny to measure. I’m scheduled for another gamma knife on Aug. 3. This is to “nip it in the bud” before it can do some serious damage.
Because my infusion today was canceled by Dr. Sahay, I was able to do a 1.5 hour walk at Dow Gardens.
I discovered another way to heal: be in a beautiful garden, smell some roses, be grateful for the twists and turns of the healing journey, never get weary of thanking God for his provisions and be aware that bumps happen along the way.🤣
Here are some pictures that made my day today.😏