I have a friend who was on palliative care like me but is now on hospice. I don’t have any issue with the palliative care. An oncologist told me a year ago that they loosely use this word “palliative” to make sure the insurance companies will pay the bills. Now I don’t know about that. Many strange things happen in this world and I don’t ever want to complicate things. My main concern right now is my friend.
I deeply care about her. We were in the same boat. I have a problem with doctors who predict when you will die as if they are God. They did that to me too. “If you don’t go with my treatment, you will have less than a year to live.” It’s been over three years since that statement. I happen to believe that God is the only One who knows the measure of time we have on earth and the exact time when we will leave it. My friend is conflicted about what the doctors said. As of now she is believing them more than not believing them. As a result, her spirit is weakening. Doctors do have powers or should I say a compelling spell over their patients.
I am a detractor. To me it is very simple. God is the only One who knows.
I respect doctors but I do not agree with their prediction to make life and death predictions. That power belongs only to God.
This article is lengthy but believe me, it is worth the read especially if you have a family member or a friend who has been given the upsetting prognostication.