MidMichigan Radiation Oncology
Midland, MI
August 23, 2022, 6am – 2pm, Tue
I praise God for my husband and most able caregiver Michael Ray.
I didn’t have to drag him to MMC. He was all set, ready to face this new challenge with me. He is the reliable partner “in sickness and in health”.
My nurse was Jennifer. She was also my nurse last year. I want to remember her in prayers and send her a thank you note for this event. I want to share my testimony. Maybe, by subtly and boldly sharing my love for Jesus, she will see that she’s doing a bit of His work of compassion on earth without even knowing it. Maybe Jesus will save her.
I also want to send thank you notes to Dr. Jones, my neurosurgeon and Dr. Kotecha, my radiation Oncologist. They have been my tandem doctors for all four Gamma knife surgery. I have not yet thanked them in writing, just verbally. I guess, as a writer, I can do more. Help me do that, Lord.
It’s been 17 hours since the surgery. I praise God I’m not dizzy, queasy and groggy. GOD TRULY HEALS!
“For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things to whom be glory for ever. Amen.” Rom. 11:36